Category: Bucket List

This is not the Egypt you’re looking for…

Many parts of Cairo defy Americans’ stereotypical expectations of what Egypt should look like. You don’t see pyramids, camels, the Sahara Desert. or any of the other stuff that comes so readily to mind. In fact, some parts of Cairo look downright tropical. The Cairo waterfront, on the banks of...

Egyptian National Museum, part 3 – Statues

The statues that were carved in ancient Egypt ranged from tiny (small enough to stand three of them on a coin) to enormous. All of them were incredibly detailed. Far more detailed than I was expecting. They are also far more well-preserved than I expected. Of course some are broken...

Egyptian National Museum, part 1 – Hieroglyphics

After an earlier aborted attempt, I finally got to visit the Egyptian National Museum. First of all, their website is woefully out of date. The admission price had increased from EGP£150 (~US$8.47) to EGP£240 (~US$13.55). That’s only a few cents to Americans but, for some people coming from poorer countries,...

What I Learned by Visiting the Egyptian Pyramids

I recently quit my day job, sold my house, put all my belongings in storage and set out to wander the world. Part of the whole purpose of this insane plan was to see as much of the world as possible. I also wanted to do it in a way...

Dream trip to Machu Picchu

Having actually been to Machu Picchu before, I won’t simply help you book your trip. I’ll give you all the tips and insider knowledge that will make the trip smooth and unforgettable! This itinerary can be customized to your preferences and activity level but here is a sample that would...

Mayan sites that are accessible to all

Touring the ancient Mayan ruins in Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula is one of those things that seems to make it onto everyone’s bucket list. Roaming the grounds at one of these sites, you may notice a lot of ramps next to or in place of steps. Or you may not notice...