When Life Hands You Lemons, Set Up A Mobile Lemonade Stand

Wandering around Quito, we smelled something amazing. It was citrus and the smell wafted for about half a block in all directions.

It was a mobile lemonade vendor. (Or should I say limeade vendor since limes are vastly more popular and common in Ecuador than lemons. In fact, lemons almost don’t even exist here.)

The way they do “lemonade” in Ecuador is interesting.

First, lemonade stands are mounted on carts or bicycles and are mobile. That in itself is a pretty bright adaptation.

The second big difference is that the fruit is run through a spiral peeler before being juiced. Long, spiral-cut strips of lime zest are saved out.

When preparing a glass of juice, the vendor will drop in a handful then pour the juice over top.

We tried a glass which also included juice from a fruit called maracuya. (The little black seeds are from the maracuya.)

I think Sydney’s expression says more about the flavor than I ever could.

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