“How can you afford to travel like that?”

Since even before I officially quit my day job and set out to traipse around the world, I started getting the questions. Once I set out, the queries have only intensified. Especially as my little trip dragged on for months and months.

How can you afford to travel so much?”

How long have you been traveling? How do you support yourself?”

So in between tales of the places I’m visiting and the things I’m doing, I’m going to start sharing a glimpse into the nitty-gritty of living a lifestyle of perpetual travel. If this is something you enjoy and want to see more of, the only way I will know is by shares and comments.

First let me cast off any cloak of false modesty and say that I am an amazing travel planner.

I haven’t been keeping especially close track of my finances but if I had to venture a guess, I’d say I’ve spent somewhere around $3,000 over the last three months of nonstop travel through six different countries. That’s in total, not counting what I had to spend to replace all the stuff that was stolen. But airfare, lodging, food, sightseeing… All the rest.

I know people who spend that much on a one week vacation.

To be clear, for the most part I am not staying in luxury places. However I’m willing to forego a bit of luxury to have total living expenses that are less than most people’s mortgage alone.

Over the next few weeks and months, provided I get positive feedback from people that this is a topic of interest, I will share some specifics. So if you want to know more about how much I spend to have all these amazing adventures and how I decide where to allocate my money, share and comment.

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