Lunch near the Berlin Wall (in Canada!)

The Berlin Wall was torn down 25 years ago. (Has it really been that long?!) So to have lunch near the Wall seems implausible enough, but to do so in Nova Scotia?

Even when the Wall was standing, it wasn’t exactly a lovely, pastoral place for a picnic.

You may wonder how the Berlin wall ended up in Canada.

When you tear down a 30ft high concrete wall that is 124 miles long, where do you put all that concrete? What the German government did was actually a fairly inspired move: they offered sections of the Wall for free to communities, corporations and other organizations around the world.

Nova Scotia has a sizable population of German expatriates so several towns took sections of the Wall.

Once they had them they realized they didn’t really have a good way to put them to any use. Eventually, the Nova Scotia Agricultural College in Truro offered to take them and create a public park with them on the university’s open campus.

Berlin Wall

During a visit to Nova Scotia last summer, my then-girlfriend and I stopped off to see the Wall. It’s right next to a butterfly garden and is a lovely spot to picnic so that’s exactly what we did.

Homemade sandwich created on the spot under a shade tree near the Berlin Wall.

(Interested in my travel itinerary? I share the whole thing here.)

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1 Response

  1. Hey there,

    i have just seen that amazing pic of Berlin Wall remains in Bible Hill. It would fit very well in here:

    The Wall Net is tracking the remains of the Berlin Wall in its contemporary context. Up to now, the non-commercial project covers almost 300 current sites of the Berlin Wall outside Berlin, in numerous countries/states, on every continent.

    If you like to support this project with the photo from Bible Hill simply upload it (with your copyright):

    Thanks in advance!

    Best regards
    Rainer Janicki, The Wall Net, Curator

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