Category: Activity Level

What I Learned by Visiting the Egyptian Pyramids

I recently quit my day job, sold my house, put all my belongings in storage and set out to wander the world. Part of the whole purpose of this insane plan was to see as much of the world as possible. I also wanted to do it in a way...

Belize: Tropical, English-speaking Paradise

Here’s another trip I’ve actually been on so I know I can give you all the tips and insider knowledge that will make your trip to Belize smooth and unforgettable. This itinerary can be customized to your preferences and activity level but here is a sample: Itinerary length: 1 week Best dates:...

Mayan sites that are accessible to all

Touring the ancient Mayan ruins in Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula is one of those things that seems to make it onto everyone’s bucket list. Roaming the grounds at one of these sites, you may notice a lot of ramps next to or in place of steps. Or you may not notice...